Why Choose Variable Compression System?

"Why choose Variable Compression System" and a woman wearing the Open Knee Support and  Ankle Support with figure of 8 strap

Variable Compression System (VCS) products are our original and most versatile range of supports. There are many reasons why a VCS support might be the one for you, from adjustable compression to heat therapeutic neoprene. Their versatility means that they can be used at most stages of injury rehabilitation and in most stages of conditions such as arthritis. Being one size fits most solutions, you don’t have to worry about buying the wrong size, as you can adjust the support to suit your needs. The bound seams and edges of VCS supports provide comfort and durability during occupational and sporting activities.


Woman wearing Neo G VCS Wrist Band holding a bag

The VCS Wrist Band offers adjustable compression around the wrist

Wrap Around vs Pull on Sleeves

When we speak about wrap-around supports we are speaking about supports and braces that do just that; wrap around the joint. This means that you can adjust the compression levels the support provides for optimum blood flow safety. Additionally, this means wrap around supports can be more easily applied to swollen areas and adjusted as swelling reduces. While VCS wrap around supports provide fully adjustable compression, sized, pull on sleeve supports, such as those in our Airflow, Airflow Plus and Active ranges, offer targeted compression via Multi-Zone Compression which is knitted directly into the fabric and they may provide an optimum fit as they are sized.  Generally, wrap around supports offer a firmer supper than sleeve supports.


Woman wearing the Neo G VCS Open Knee Support and  Ankle Support with figure of 8 strap

The VCS Open Knee Support and the VCS Ankle Support With Figure of 8 Strap

Ease of application

Wrap around supports, when compared to pull on sleeve supports, may be easier to apply for those who are long term suffers of arthritis, especially if any joints have deformities as a result of the condition. The wrap around supports can easily be applied around these areas, where as pull on sleeve supports can be challenging to apply over these areas. Where possible the VCS wrap around supports also contain minimal fastenings to help with ease of application for anyone with dexterity issues.


Woman wearing Neo G VCS Stabilized Wrist Brace holding a phone

The VCS Stabilized Wrist Brace features a a removable metal splint

Heat Therapeutic Neoprene

Variable Compression System products are made from a premium heat therapeutic neoprene. This material is ideal for warming muscles and joints. Arthritic joints will benefit from heat therapeutic neoprene as the warming properties help to ease pain and loosen stiff joints. This allows arthritic joints to move more freely and make activity easier to undertake, such as exercise. Exercise and education undertaken with positivity, optimism and persistence is now the internationally recommended front-line treatment for arthritis. You can read more about this new positivity for arthritis sufferers in this blog.


Woman running wearing Neo G VCS Open Knee Support

The VCS Open Knee Support is ideal of sporting and occupational activities

Additional Stabilization Options

While Variable Compression System products generally provide moderate to firm support, there are some products within the range that can offer additional stabilization through a number of features. The Stabilized Open Knee Support for example has removable, flexible, spiral, metal stays that can be inserted down either side of the support, offering medial and lateral stabilization. You may want additional medial and or lateral stabilization If you have weakness in your knee that is usually worse during sideways motion. Additionally, ligament injuries, such as injuries to the Medial Collateral Ligament or Lateral Collateral Ligament will usually require further medial or lateral stabilization.

Medial support would be additional support for the inside side of your knee, lateral support would be additional support for the outside side of your knee. For example, for your right knee, medial support would be on the left-hand side and lateral support would be on the right-hand side.

A great feature about the Stabilized Open Knee Support’s four removable stays is that they can be positioned in any configuration within the six slots, which are evenly split three either side of the knee.  This ensures an ideal fit around the knee complex and offers maximum customisation, such as only medial positioning, only lateral positioning, a combination of the two or even to remove the stays completely. This prolongs the life of the support, as you can adjust your level of support accordingly based on your needs throughout your rehabilitation journey.

In ankle supports, additional stabilization is also provided by flexible spiral metal stays, but the option for a figure of 8 strap is also available. Much of the medial and lateral information applied to knees is applicable to the ankle.

You are most likely to require additional medial or lateral support if you are at the start of your rehabilitation journey (before injured structures are strong enough for normal movement), or in late-stage degeneration from conditions, such as arthritis.

In wrist supports, stabilization is focussed around reducing excessive movements. This can be particularly useful when using a support as part of a treatment plan for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, where excessive bending of the wrist puts unnecessary pressure on the median nerve. The removeable metal splints in the Stabilized Wrist Support and Stabilized Wrist and Thumb Support are ideal for this function.


Woman wearing Neo G VCS ankle Support with Figure of 8 Strap under shoes

The VCS Ankle Support with Figure of 8 Strap

Hot and Cold Compatibility

The heat therapeutic neoprene from which Variable Compression System products are made is ideal for warming muscles and joints. Many VCS products are also compatible with Neo G Hot & Cold discs and packs. For example, using the 3D Hot & Cold therapy disc in conjunction with the Open Knee Support allows the ergonomically designed disc to mould to the knee and be held in place by the support to allow for consistent, secure and constant therapy.


The Neo G 3D Hot & Cold Therapy Disc in a protector sleeve being inserted into the compatible Neo G VCS Open Knee Support

The 3D Hot & Cold Therapy Disc being inserted into the compatible VCS Open Knee Support


Variable Compression System